Wednesday 31 August 2011

D-Day approaching

Hi everyone,

Hope you are all well an looking forward to the next few weeks!September's gonna be an important month for me! both personally and for the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine.

The college's induction will be on Monday 12 September 2011,10 am, Medical School, Teviot Place, Edinburgh, EH8 9AG

From Medical School Quad: enter Doorway 3.

Here you'll be given a series of talks from key academic and administrative staff, as well as by one our student Ambassadors Vicky Young.  They'll also be a chance to meet your fellow students over tea and coffee. 

Myself an Lauren (Marketing an Communications Manager) will also be discussing the opportunity to become a student ambassador yourself, as well as enter a film competition where you could win £100. I'll also be handing out a survey to help us with our future recruitment, if you dont mind filling it in, that would be great!

At the end of the month I'll also be handing in my Mres Dissertation. I've been studying part time for my Mres for 2 years now so it'll be strange having it all finally completed. I'm looking forward to progressing onto the final stage of the PhD though. However, the Mres will be my third degree and a lot of my friends take the "mickey" out of me for always being a student. For those of you, who dont know "take the mickey" is english slang for making fun of someone. There's plenty of Edinburgh "slang" which the locals use, which i'm sure you will all be fluent in by the time you complete your studies. 

My team Liverpool FC have started the season really well (always makes me happy), but so have both Manchester teams! the Edinburgh derby was at the weekend and it was a fine victory for Hearts!

The Finge festival has now finished and its been another fantastic one, with some great comedians and shows. Edinburgh usually goes quiet for a few weeks until the new students arrive but then the whole city is really vibrant and buzzing!!

Dont forget to have a look at the ambassador blogs for their reflections on their induction last year! they're a brilliant read! very informative but fun and interesting as well!

I'm really looking forward to meeting you all an remember if you have any last minute queries, please let me know.

Best wishes


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