Monday 30 May 2011

Great day in the meadows Edinburgh!

Hi everyone,

Well its a lovely sunny day in Edinburgh and we had some great weather over the weekend. There's a park land area in the city centre called "The Meadows" where i went yesterday to play football with my friends. There's always lots of games going on so we just joined in with a group of international students to have a big game. It wasnt quite Barcelona standard but it was a really good game:)

Here's a picture of the meadows below:

Work is very busy at the moment. We hosted a focus group to try and improve our admissions processes which went very well and our student participants were brilliant. A few of them have now signed up to become student ambassadors for the college so stay tuned for more information on how you can follow their blogs!

We're also hosting an online drop in session on the 9th of June for any admissions queries! if anyone needs any further information on that please get in touch!

That's all for now, Best wishes! Barry

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